
My time so far as a DSC trustee

Dhillon Shenoy shares some things that have helped in his new role as a DSC trustee.

I joined DSC as one of five new trustees back in November 2023. Although I am the youngest board member at 21, this is my third trusteeship. In fact, it was during my prior experience of charity governance that I first became aware of DSC and its work to support charities and their volunteers and staff in fulfilling their responsibilities. When I saw that DSC was recruiting for new trustees, I applied and have not looked back since.

Notwithstanding all the hard work done on best practices, the most important thing that has shaped my experience as a DSC trustee has been the support from others. In particular, the ‘board buddy’ system, where each new trustee is matched with an existing trustee as a sounding board and point of contact, has been crucial to settling in. Although DSC is a remote organisation, I was fortunate to discover that my trustee buddy, Andrew, lived a short train ride away from me. One of the most enjoyable aspects of my experience has been catching up with him over coffee before each board meeting to review the papers.

It also helps that we have an excellent Chair and CEO, William and Debra, who have gone out of their way to help new trustees settle in and navigate our way around DSC. A key resource has been Debra’s fantastic book, It’s a Battle on the Board, which is essential (and enjoyable) reading for all charity trustees. Personally, it’s a book I often refer back to and reread. DSC rightly places great emphasis on its culture, which everyone shares responsibility for upholding. Trustees and senior staff have critical roles in setting the tone and leading by example.

The highlight of my time as a trustee with DSC has been meeting with fellow trustees and staff at our annual Staff Day in July. DSC has worked hard to ensure that diversity of all perspectives and experiences is valued and championed at all levels. It was gratifying to see other members of my generation among the staff team, for whom I hope I can embody DSC’s commitment to breaking the stereotype of what charity leaders look like (and whom I can hopefully encourage to apply for charity trusteeships as well!). Being a trustee has been an extraordinary and rewarding opportunity to bring a different perspective to board meetings, having lived through and experienced the pandemic as a young person. That being said, I also look forward to the day when I am no longer the youngest trustee on the Board!

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