With funding guides such as The Directory of Grant Making Trusts 2024/25 and The Guide to New Trusts, as well as firm favourites such as Fundraising Strategy and The Complete Fundraising Handbook, we've got you covered. We also have our Funds Online platform with 8,000 funders giving over £8 billion as well as training on key areas such as income diversification, impact measurement, maximising support from trusts and much more besides.
In this section:
Fundraising features and articles
Fundraising training
Good corporate support isn't about simply asking hopefully. The best corporate-charity partnerships – and the ones that pay off –...
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For anyone new to legacy fundraising, this course introduces you to gifts in wills fundraising and how to begin an...
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If you know how trusts and foundations think you’ll understand how to get money from them.
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Learn how an effective fundraiser works, explore current fundraising opportunities and start creating a fundraising strategy for your own organisation.
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A new online course for anyone in the charity sector who is AI curious and would like to start using...
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Fundraising books
The Guide to Major Trusts 2025/26
If you need to find grants for your charity or project, this guide is your...
Grants Fundraising
Growing your income from grant-makers is a recipe for charity fundraising success.
Fundraising Strategy
Best sellerDo you lurch from one fundraising campaign to the next, or are you able to...
The Guide to New Trusts 2024/25
Finding new grant-makers is a time-consuming and intricate business. The Guide to New Trusts takes...
The Complete Fundraising Handbook
Best sellerIf you are a fundraiser or someone who needs to raise money for your organisation...
The Directory of Grant Making Trusts 2024/25
Best sellerWith this guide, you'll have access to key information on over 2,000 grant-makers, each with...