We’re not a membership body – we see ourselves as a ‘concerned citizen’, acting independently on behalf of, often small, organisations whose needs may not be considered in public policy. We ask critical questions, often challenge the prevailing view, and promote debate on important issues. Scroll down to read about our policy positions and principles.
Our policy work
DSC's policy work
To some extent the terms ‘policy’, ‘campaigning’, ‘advocacy’, ‘lobbying’, or ‘public affairs’ can be used interchangeably and may mean different...
September Policy Update
Here's some news from around the charity sector.
Why Labour needs to rediscover an ‘invest to save’ approach
Jay Kennedy discusses why prevention and investment should be at the centre of Labour's policy.
The Charity Commission says that public trust and confidence in charities is stable and quite high: so what?
Public trust in charities is stable, but what does it mean for the sector?
Labour’s cabinet has substantial civil society experience
The Prime Minister's new Cabinet has experience in the charity sector.
Engage 2024: Influencing the new Government and Parliament - Online conference on Thursday 17 October
Welcome to the fourth year of Engage – DSC’s annual online conference for all those wishing to influence the people...
Our policy principles
Read our policy and campaigns articles and feeling as passionate about supporting charities as we are?
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