Cobseo Members’ Impact Database

What is the Cobseo Members’ Survey? 

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an undeniable impact on the charity sector. DSC have been undertaking research in partnership with Cobseo (The Confederation of Service Charities) to chart the ongoing impact of the pandemic and a constantly evolving socioeconomic environment. This work is no longer funded by Forces in Mind Trust.

What does it cover?

Every six months, Cobseo Members are invited to respond to a new wave of the survey, generating data on the following key themes: 

  • Beneficiary needs and demand for services 
  • Impact on service delivery 
  • Changes in sources of income 
  • Changes in types of expenditure 
  • Overall financial changes 
  • Risks facing Members 

The most recent survey wave took place in June 2023. The next wave is due to be undertaken in November 2023. 

What is the Cobseo Members’ Impact Database? 

Using the interface above, you can now explore the anonymised survey data to answer your own questions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and changing socioeconomic conditions.

You can easily compare the results from each wave of data collection by interacting with the graphs to find the information you need in just a few clicks! 

This interactive database complements DSC’s full analytical reports, which you can find here.

How do I use it? 

The interactive database is simple to use, as can be seen in shor video demonstration below.

The following tips and tricks might help you get started: 

  • Click the arrows in the bottom right-hand corner to expand the interface to full screen. 
  • Navigate between pages using the buttons in the bottom corners of each page – or using the interactive contents buttons. 
  • Select the wave of data collection using the toggle in the right-hand corner. 
  • Use the control panel at the bottom of each page to apply one or more filters to the data. 
  • Click on the help icon on any page for a short guide on how to interact with the charts. 

Frequently asked questions 

Q: How often is the survey data updated? 

A: Every six months, Cobseo Members are invited to respond to a new wave of the survey and the data will be updated within 10 working days. At present, survey data is available for May 2020, October 2020, May 2021, November 2021, May 2022, November 2022 and June 2023. The next wave of data collection will be November 2023.

Q: How do I report findings from the dashboard? 

A: We advise taking care to report the wave of data collection, specific filters applied and note that percentages are (unless otherwise stated) calculated for the responses to each question which were not blank or not applicable.

Q: How do I cite the impact database?

A: To reference this resource please use the following citation: ‘Cobseo Members’ Impact Database’ [web page], DSC, 2023,, accessed [Date].’

Q: Who can I contact to provide feedback on the impact database?

A: We welcome all feedback on the Cobseo Members’ Impact Database, including general comments, feedback on functionality, and suggestions for further content you’d like to see added. Please contact the research team at