Coronavirus weekly funding updates - 14-18 December

Friday 18 December

The Volant Charitable Trust

A reminder that applications to the trust’s Covid-19 Response Fund close on the 31st December 2020. Grants are available for UK and international charities that show a strong focus on alleviating social deprivation and helping vulnerable groups who have been particularly impacted by the pandemic. Applications for medical equipment and the production and distribution of PPE will also be considered. Awards will be made at the sole discretion of the trustees. Find out more.

Thursday 17 December

Arts Council England

Plans for distributing the remaining £1.57 billion of the Culture Recovery Fund have been announced by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). According to the announcement ‘£300 million in grants and £100 million in repayable finance will be made available to support organisations’ transition back to usual operating mode from April 2021’. Further details are pending.

Wednesday 16 December

Theatre Reopening Fund (UK)

Small theatres run by charities and non-profit groups in the UK can now apply for grants of up to £5,000 from Theatres Trust’s Theatre Reopening Fund. The grants can be used to cover the additional costs of reopening, including making adaptations for increased hygiene and social distancing measures. Applications should be sent by email to by 5pm on 30 December 2020. Find out more.

Tuesday 15 December

Aberdeenshire Council Community Food Fund

Grants of up to £2,000 are available to constituted community groups and registered charities tackling food security as a result of Covid-19 in Aberdeenshire communities. Applications can be made at any time and funds will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Find out more.

Monday 14 December

Leicestershire Communities Fund

The third round of the fund has recently opened with a total of £600,000 available to help organisations working in Leicestershire respond to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. Charities, community organisations and social enterprises delivering services for vulnerable people living in Leicestershire County can apply for grants of £15,000. The deadline for applications is 22nd January 2020. Click here for further information.

For information on 8,000 sources of funding giving a total of £8 billion, take a look at Funds Online.