Policy, Policy, campaigns & research

COVID19: Government is not ‘doing whatever it takes’ for charities – mobilise NOW


After a week of high-level discussions between charity leaders and national government, it’s sadly all too clear that amidst the COVID19 crisis our political leaders are not taking the threat to the charity sector and its millions of beneficiaries seriously enough.

We must now mobilise every voice so that the message gets through loud and clear to all politicians, the press, and the public. If you’re feeling frustrated, scared, or just wondering what to do, don’t worry, you’re not alone! You can make a difference by putting that energy into action!

This special bulletin gives you links to new developments, resources, information and actions to get on with right now. The situation is changing rapidly and more will follow in the coming days and weeks, follow updates at www.dsc.org.uk and @DSC_Charity.

Government is not supporting charities during the COVID19 crisis and #EveryDayCounts 

As fundraising and other income dwindles, charity infrastructure organisations including DSC have quickly developed policy asks for the Government to help keep charities operating. But Government’s response has been far too slow and insufficient. Now we need to start building serious public and political pressure – stay tuned for a campaign launch next week. NCVO has released a joint press release which summarises the situation and what charities need. If your organisation could speak to the media about difficulties you are facing, or you have other insights to share, please get in touch at policy@dsc.org.uk. 

Respond to the Coronavirus impact survey – quick!

The IoF, NCVO and CFG have put together a survey to gather evidence about the current and future financial impact of Coronavirus on charities. We really need this data to make a solid case to policy-makers. Please take 10 minutes to fill it out today – don’t wait – it closes 23 March.

National Emergencies Trust Coronavirus appeal launched – donate and share

The NET was created after the Grenfell disaster to coordinate domestic emergency appeals. A Coronavirus appeal is now live, which will channel public donations to support local charities via the Community Foundation network. Read and share this information with any and all potential donors – who knows, it could even be the difference for your own cause.

New £2m emergency fund announced for organisations in London

The Greater London Authority and the City Bridge Trust have contributed £1m each to launch a new £2m fund to support London’s voluntary sector. This is an initial contribution and the intention is that more money will be brought together in response to community need.

Small Charities Coalition has written to the Prime Minister demanding action – sign up!

SCC needs your support. Circulate and add your name to their letter and hammer the message home about the importance of small charities!

Volunteering Matters is coordinating business volunteering support – share their survey

Volunteering Matters engages over 20,000 volunteers each year in over 100 programmes and they’re coordinating volunteering opportunities with business. Share this link with any corporate partners or businesses in your community who might be mobilising volunteers.

Guidance and advice

Many charity infrastructure bodies have now put out guidance and assistance – check out:

Association of Chairs: Coronavirus briefing

NCVO has a regularly updated webpage on the latest with Coronavirus

NCVO has also set out some key questions for trustees to consider

NCVO has taken the paywall down on its Know How Non Profit service

Charity Finance Group: Coronavirus and your charity

Institute of Fundraising: Information for fundraisers about Coronavirus

NAVCA’s website home page is chock full of resources and information

Locality (for community organisations) has published a 6 point emergency action plan