Conference FAQs

All you need to help you.

Forgot what sessions you booked in for? (Please right-click and select open in new tab)

Click here to take a look at our delegate list of session choices.

General Support

  • If you need any support with logging into any of the sessions, please contact

Attending conference sessions on Zoom

  • All sessions will be run as Zoom meetings. You will have a chance to switch on your camera and microphone and participate actively (if you wish to do so). Please do make sure you stay on mute during those sessions if you don’t intend to talk.
  • Please note that as opening and closing keynotes are recorded, you will be on the recording if you choose to actively participate (talk via microphone).
  • The Zoom rooms for the conference sessions will open a few minutes before the actual session start. If you log in much earlier, you will find yourself in a ‘Waiting Room’ which will automatically lead you into the Zoom room once the session starts.
  • We’ll aim to start sessions on time to keep to the tight conference schedule. But we also know how it is with kids, dogs and deliveries while working from home, so please don’t worry if you’re a minute or two late. Please kindly double check you’re on mute as soon as you’ve joined the meeting though, so your arrival isn’t disruptive to the session.

Breakout sessions

  • Where there are several sessions running at the same time, please choose to attend one of the sessions live. You don’t need to choose your session in advance and you don’t need to let us know. Just find the login details in the Zoom link section of the Online Resources Hub and log in.
  • For most sessions, you will be able to download additional materials such as the presentation slides or handouts from the Online Resources Hub after the event (available from next week).

We’d love to hear your feedback!

  • At the end of each breakout session a link will be shared to give feedback. Please provide us with feedback on the session you’ve just attended as it will help us improve the event in future years.
  • A link will also be shared at the end of each day of the conference, to collect your overall feedback for the day and event overall.
  • Please also feel free to provide any additional feedback you may have to: