
Department for Health and Social Care calls for evidence

Can you help DHSC?

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) is producing a paper on the demand for volunteering through the Emergency Volunteering Scheme (EVS) and are keen to hear from anyone with:

  1. Any data supply and demand for volunteers. They are specifically interested in where there is potential need for skilled volunteers in health, community health and social care settings, as this is the remit of the EVS legislation.
  2. Any major issues with current supply – if there are issues with supply of skilled volunteers, what are they and how could EVS help. They are interested in both specific needs of organisations like SJA, or wider sector wide barriers.
  3. Are there other things that DHSC could do to help other than triggering EVS (for example ministerial engagement to encourage employers to release employees voluntarily).

Any insight you can offer from the frontline would be really helpful in informing their policy decisions. They’ve asked for any data/evidence to be submitted to Matthew.Siddons@dhsc.gov.uk, ideally by the end of the day on Wednesday 15 April.